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Your Global AutoStore System Integrator Commonly leveraged in a variety of industries by both large and small operations, Bastian Solutions experts can help you identify…

Your Global AutoStore System Integrator

Commonly leveraged in a variety of industries by both large and small operations, Bastian Solutions experts can help you identify the best size and plan for forecasted growth and industry considerations. Whether used in fast-paced ecommerce, managing various SKUs and fulfillment methods at omnichannel or third-party logistics (3PL) facilities.

AutoStore introduces speed, accuracy, efficiency and ergonomic work environments for an overall improved customer experience. Combined with Exacta intralogistics software and other picking and conveying solutions, this goods to person solution can easily support a fully automated order fulfillment process.

How AutoStore Works

If the bin is buried beneath other bins, a robot stages the extra bins on top of the grid until it retrieves the desired bin. It then takes that bin to the edge of the grid and delivers it to the operator fulfilling the order. As the bin is delivered, another AutoStore robot cleans up the staged bins on top of the grid by returning them to their original position.

An AutoStore system is comprised of 4 main components: a structural grid, delivery robots, storage bins, and an operator port. Products are stored in stacked bins within the dense aluminum grid. As a product is needed to fulfill an order, the system software and controls alert a robot to find the bin containing the item the AutoStore system self-profiles, meaning the bins with faster moving products begin moving toward the top of the system.

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